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Welcome, Nuka! Our new Director of Active Communities.

We would like to give a big warm welcome to the NWTRPA’s new Director, Active Communities, Nuka de Jocas!

Nuka’s academic background in Outdoor Development and Social Intervention, and professional experience will make for a great addition to the team. His past work has been rooted in community capacity development in different regions of Canada.

In Yellowknife, he worked for the NWT Francophone Federation as the Youth Territorial Coordinator, creating programs for French youth. He organized delegations for numerous territorial, interprovincial and national events, notably the 2014 Canadian Francophone Games.

On Vancouver Island, he worked as the Community Capacity Coordinator for the village of Sayward, organizing activities focused on physical literacy, for children and seniors alike.

And in Montreal, he held the position of Community Development Agent for the Montreal-North Table de quartier, coordinating the social development plan which aims to reduce poverty and social exclusion.

Nuka is thrilled to be back in the Northwest Territories and appreciates the opportunity to work with the NWTRPA. You can reach Nuka at or (867)669-8375. Visit our Staff/Board page to meet the rest of the NWTRPA Staff and Board Members.



NWT Recreation and Parks Association Box 841, 4908 49th Street
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N6

The NWT Recreation and Parks Association's physical office is located in Sǫ̀mba K'è on Chief Drygeese Territory in Treaty 8, the traditional home of the Yellowknives Dene and the North Slave Métis, also known as Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

P. (867) 669-8375      

F. (867) 669-6791

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