Tim has spent his entire adult life in recreation. Most of his childhood, too.

His teachers in school would likely have said the same at the time, so it’s fair to say Tim’s entire life has been spent in recreation: in camps, aquatics, wilderness guiding (for so many glorious years), as an outdoor and experiential educator (also for so many glorious years) and a recreation business owner.
After a brief stint working in the NWT starting in 2003, lightning struck, and Tim’s passion for outdoor recreation in cooler climes melded with his passion for the woman he met here and eventually married.
Tim has been a Board member for the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association for many years, serving as both South Slave Regional Director and as President, as well as the NWTRPA representative for the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association. Tim was elected as the director for the South Slave in 2010, a position he held for four terms before moving into the role of president. During the three years that Tim spent at the helm of the NWTRPA, his day job was operating South Slave Safety, a company he started to provide first aid and workplace safety training in the NWT.
Now, while our ED, Sheena Tremblay, is on Maternity Leave we welcome Tim Van Dam as our Interim Executive Director!
Tim and his partner now have two wonderful children, and a very large cat, who Tim has spent the last several years at home parenting. Tim’s family recently moved to Yellowknife from Fort Smith to the dismay of the South Slave. Yellowknife’s jury is still out.
You can reach Tim at tvandam@nwtrpa.org or (867) 669-8377. Visit our Staff/Board page to meet the rest of the NWTRPA Staff and Board Members.