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8 Reasons to Join the NWTRPA Board of Directors

Have you heard about the NWT Recreation and Parks Association being a great non-profit organization that envisions a territory where everyone has access to recreation programs and spaces that foster healthy families, strong cultures, and vibrant communities??? Did you know we’re currently looking for new faces to join our Board of Directors!?

Need a little more convincing before considering a position on the Board?

Here are 8 reasons to join the NWTRPA Board of Directors:

  1. Gain valuable experience and an increased understanding of the territorial and national recreation and on the land sector.

  2. The NWTRPA is a policy board which means it provides oversite, leadership, and monitors policies. You could play a key role in influencing NWTRPA policies.

  3. It’s a fun, interesting, and passionate group of people all focused on a common mission and goals.

  4. It is a chance to think strategically about advocating for fulfilling the needs within the sector.

  5. Expand your network and connections to other communities and leaders.

  6. It’s an opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations, share your perspectives and ideas, and collaborate with a diverse group of people.

  7. Take your board volunteer experience to the next level! There are opportunities to travel, attend training, join specific steering committees, and attend the annual NWTRPA conference.

  8. Share your wisdom, knowledge, and experience to help steer the direction of the NWTRPA. The NWTRPA would benefit from your unique expertise!

“I was very excited about participating in the organization so as soon as a board position came up I jumped on it.” Cynthia believes strongly in the NWTRPA’s work as an advocate for recreation: “This is an organization that is essential in keeping the value of all types of recreation front and centre in the political sphere but also at the community and individual level.” — Cynthia White, South Slave Regional Director, (2014-2016, and 2020-current), and President (2017-2020)

Tony Devlin still believes strongly in the NWTRPA’s vision and programming: “The NWTRPA plays a critical and, at times, unheralded role in community building and engagement. Our behind-the-scenes advocacy leads to positive and tangible quality of life outcomes for all of our citizens—from children to elders.” — Tony Devlin, Beaufort Delta Regional Director (2010), President 2011 – 2013, and remained involved as the Past President (2014-2015)

Johanna felt more in touch with the world of recreation beyond Yellowknife: “The NWTRPA allowed me to contribute and share on a territorial and national level.” Looking back, Johanna shares, “I really appreciated the chance to see other communities and meet new people.” — Johanna Elliot, President (2006 – 2008), Past President (2009-2010), Yellowknife Director (2005, 2011-2014)

“What Does the NWTRPA Board of Directors Do?”

  • Create and update policy

    • i.e. 2019-2021 NWTRPA Strategic Plan, 2019-2021 Strategic Membership Plan, and Advocacy Priorities.

  • Monitor that policies are being followed by NWTRPA staff.

  • Complete tasks assigned to the Board outlined in organizational policy.

  • Report to the membership; being a member of the NWTRPA empowers recreation and parks leaders to voice their thoughts, ideas, and opinions on the sector to the board to use to guide their decision making.

Board of Directors Elections

The NWT Recreation and Parks Association has an eight-person volunteer Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of a President, a Director-at-Large and six regional members from across the NWT. The Board of Directors sets goals for the organization, and monitors the progress towards reaching those goals.

We are currently accepting nominations for the following Board positions:

  • Director at Large (2-year term)

  • Yellowknife Regional Director (2-year term) (Sǫ̀mba K’è/Yellowknife)

  • Beaufort Delta Regional Director (2-year term) (Akłarvik/Aklavik, Teet’łit Zheh/Fort McPherson, Paulatuuq/Paulatuk, Ikaahuk/Sachs Harbour, Inuuvik/Inuvik, Uluksaqtuuq/Ulukhaktok, Tuktuuyaqtuuq/Tuktoyaktuk, Tsiigehtchic)

  • Dehcho Regional Director (2-year term) (Kakisa, Zhatıé Kų́ę́/Fort Providence, Tthets’éhk’édélı̨/Jean Marie River, Pedzéh Kı̨́/Wrigley, Tthennáágó / Nahanni Butte, Sambaa K'e, Echaotı’ı̨ı̨ Kųę/Fort Liard , Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę/Fort Simpson)


  • Applicants must be residents of the NWT.

  • Applicants must be able to meet the time commitments of regularly attending board meetings.

  • Nominees must be NWTRPA members and must reside in the region that they are being nominated for.


  • Previous volunteer experience is considered an asset.

  • Experience in sport, recreation, and cultural activities is considered an asset.

  • Experience with finance, board governance, policy, and non-profit groups is considered an asset.



NWT Recreation and Parks Association Box 841, 4908 49th Street
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N6

The NWT Recreation and Parks Association's physical office is located in Sǫ̀mba K'è on Chief Drygeese Territory in Treaty 8, the traditional home of the Yellowknives Dene and the North Slave Métis, also known as Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

P. (867) 669-8375      

F. (867) 669-6791

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